Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Graved to Grill PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g
Mobile Preview: Graved to Grill  PLAIN 500g

Graved to Grill PLAIN 500g

2 Werktage 2 Werktage (Ausland abweichend)
100g Preis:
7,80 €
0.5 kg je Stück
39,00 EUR

inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Graved Lachs Dubai mit Pistazien
  • Handgebeizt aus Hamburg
  • 48 Stunden Beizzeit
  • Aromatische Pistazien
  • Edle Safranblüten
  • Jetzt entdecken

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